BCC Landscape Framework Plan and Development

My student and I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with the BCC community on ideas for a landscape master plan. The resulting framework plan completed December 2019 defines 6 unique and connected zones that protect and celebrate the campus’ natural and cultural assets. Each student developed schematics for one zone to further explore and illustrate site potentials. This work was influential in the USDA-Tribal Program at BCC (Drew Landry) receiving a grant for agroforestry and planting implementation in Summer 2020. In Fall 2020, Whitney Bretz, my undergraduate research assistant continued design development research related to the campus farm and agroforestry concept as well as a cultural garden on central campus that would offer a small gathering space and hands-on education for significant native and cultural plants. Implementation work was delayed during 2020 due to Covid-19 challenges and risks for Native American students at BCC, but I am excited to see where the project leads in 2021 and beyond. I am continually inspired by my partner, Drew Landry, and his drive for food security for Native American communities and love for the land.